One of the essential parts in the economy of India is agriculture, where farming plays a central role. Cross-breeding doesn't only improve for high profits, but also for breed animals that produce a lot of milk. An example of such a productive breed is Murrah, One of the best milk producing buffalo breeds. Murrah buffalo are adored not only in India, but across the globe. This blog will discuss the unique characteristics and true potential of this wonder breed that makes dairy farming a pleasure and an extremely profitable business.
It has its roots in Haryana, Punjab and Western Uttar Pradesh. The Murrah buffalo is jet black in color and has horns in a semicircular shape. It has a strong body with wide ribs and high shoulders constituting and differentiating it from the other species. For many years, selective breeding has been carried out to sustain and enhance the milk production and its adaptability to other climates. Nowadays, due to its massive economic importance, it's used extensively around the world especially in Pakistan, Brazil and the Philipines. Most productive dairy farmers prefer this breed because of the high volumes of milk it can produce during not so favorable conditions.
There are some notable reasons that make Murrah buffalo very famous as a top dairy breed. Let us analyze the key reasons in detail:
When it comes to milk production, Murrah buffaloes are Class A since they produce an average of between 10 to 16 liters of milk daily. With ideal management, well-bred Murrah buffaloes are capable of producing up to 25 liters per day, which is a sizable capture for a dairy breed. It makes them even more valuable when you consider how long they are able to sustain milk production for on a lactation cycle.
Murrah buffalo milk is known for its high fat content (7–8%) and is therefore considered to be ideal for specialty dairy products like butter, cheese and ghee. The milk also has an abundance of animal proteins and other nutrients which makes the milk beneficial to many people. For these reasons, it is not a surprise that the consumers who are looking for nutritious and high-fat dairy products prefer it.
Their resistance to temperature changes makes them the number one choice for dairy farmers of different localities. Moreover, they are less influenced by seasonal transition which makes milk production steady throughout the year.
They are among the best when it comes to reproduction and calving rates, they have a shorter calving interval compared to other breeds. A well-kept Murrah buffalo is able to calf once every 14-16 months, maintaining milk production at a continuous rate.
Murrah buffaloes are a great choice for dairy farmers since they have a great immunity and are more resistant to common cattle diseases. For this reason, dairy farmers are likely to spend less on veterinary bills. In contrast to other breeds, they are less prone to mastitis and other infections which decrease the overall herd morbidity.
With their impressive milk yield and robust market demand, Murrah buffaloes offer phenomenal ROI. Compared to dairy cows, many farmers favor them because of profitability and ease of adaptation. The desirability of Murrah buffaloes in both local and foreign markets guarantees high resale value. This makes the buffaloes a profitable business venture for dairy farmers.
If you are looking for Murrah Buffalo Suppliers in India, Dairy Mitra is a platform to empower dairy farmers by connecting buyers and sellers in the dairy farm cattle industry.
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