Owner name : Mr. Lalit
House Number -16 Ekta Colony, near Prem Nagar, Karnal, Haryana 132001
If you are planning to start a business of dairy and dairy products, the first thing that you need is the right breed of cows. You can get in touch with Cow Suppliers who have different breeds of cows such as Nellore, Rathi, Gir, and Deone to choose from. The prices of the different breeds of cows vary, which makes it easy to choose a breed that is within your budget.
Supplier / Retailer Of Live Holstein Friesian Cow, white hf cow, Live Heifer Cow, Live Crossbred Holstein Friesian Cow, Live Red Sindhi Cow, Live Indian Desi Cow, Live Jersey Cow, Live Buffalo, Live Haryana Cow, Indian Cow is one of the renowned companies that specializes in trading and supplying different types of healthy cows and buffaloes. We have a variety of breeds including Sahiwal, Murrah and Jersey to serve different genders and age groups. Our animals are recognized in the dairy industry for being highly productive and healthy. Our professional team comprises highly trained specialists with extensive experience in dairy farming, maintains high standards in dairy production while supporting the health and well-being of livestock.'
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