Owner name : Mr. Gurmeet Singh
Village Dabkoli Kalan,Tehsil Indri, District Karnal, Karnal, Haryana, 132054, India
Registered in 2018 , Monu Dairy Farm
has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of hf cow in
India. The supplier company is located in Karnal, Haryana and is one of
the leading sellers of listed products.
Monu Dairy Farm is listed in
Trade India's list of verified sellers offering supreme quality of Good
Breed HF Cows etc. Buy hf cow in bulk from us for the best quality
products and service.
Monu Dairy Farm, Registered in 2018 at
Karnal in Haryana, is a leading Distributor,Supplier of Livestock in
India. Monu Dairy Farm is one of Trade India's verified and trusted
sellers of listed products. With extensive experience in supplying and
trading High Breed Sahiwal Cow, Monu Dairy Farm has made a reputed name
for itself in the market with high-quality Good Breed HF Cows, Hf Cow,
High Breed Sahiwal Cow, etc.
Focusing on a customer-centric
approach, Monu Dairy Farm has a pan-India presence and caters to a huge
consumer base throughout the country. Buy Livestock in bulk from Monu
Dairy Farm at Trade India quality-assured products.
Don't be shy, say hi!